car accident insurance claim

The aftermath of a car accident can be stressful, as medical bills pile up and you lose income from missing work. You might know that you should file a car accident insurance claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company, though you may wonder whether you need to talk to an attorney first. Insurance claims should be straightforward, so you can probably handle it yourself, right? Unfortunately, insurance claims are rarely as simple as you imagine, and insurance companies try to take advantage of unrepresented claimants. It’s always wise to discuss your case with an experienced car accident lawyer before filing a claim.

Insurance companies promise to provide coverage for claimants, though it is always important to remember that these companies are first and foremost businesses. They care about their bottom lines most, which means limiting payouts on claims whenever possible. Adjusters often have incentives for minimizing claim amounts, and companies have many tactics they use to challenge claimants, including:

  • Getting you to make recorded statements against your own interest
  • Challenging liability for the accidents
  • Challenging the severity of your injuries and the necessity of medical treatments or missed work
  • Delaying your claim so you get frustrated and accept the first offer made (which is usually too low)
  • Convincing you that the insurance company is on your side (they aren’t) and that you should not call an attorney (you should)

The reality is that represented parties often receive a much better outcome than unrepresented parties.

Learn How an Illinois Car Accident Claim Attorney Can Help

Illinois personal injury lawyer Chuck Newland handles all stages of car accident claims, from insurance claims to personal injury lawsuits when needed. Call 847.797.9300 or contact us online to discuss how we can assist you after a car crash and injuries.