In a guardianship case, the court has the power to do what the judge thinks is right because the court appoints the guardian as its agent to make decisions for the person who cannot care for themselves. However, that does not mean that the family has no say in the matter. The family can convince the court that there are alternatives to guardianship, such as a power of attorney. In many cases, the family does not want the guardianship because they lose control of their loved one’s affairs to the court. The family could also seek to convince the judge to appoint a certain person as the legal guardian.
An Attorney Could Present Your Side of the Story
The best way to make your voice heard in front of a judge is to hire an attorney who is familiar with the legal process. There are detailed court requirements to follow to get into court. Even though the guardianship hearing is more informal, there may be witnesses and testimony. You should have someone on your side who can present evidence and question witnesses if necessary. Otherwise, you could end up in a situation where your loved one’s key decisions are completely out of your control. Once the court approves a guardianship, it is difficult to change the details.
The more of an emergency your situation is, the more an attorney can help you. This is where it may be beneficial to invest in legal counsel to get peace of mind. The guardianship process is stressful enough without having to worry about what could happen if your voice is not effectively heard.
Contact Liberty and Rolling Meadows Guardianship Attorneys
Call Charles T. Newland & Associates at 847.797.9300 or contact us online for help with your guardianship and estate planning questions. Our Rolling Meadows and Liberty guardianship lawyers are available to help.