Too many people who struggle with debt fail to take action and keep falling deeper and deeper into the hole. Ignoring your debts will not make them go away, and constantly dodging creditors can make matters more stressful. The threat of a possible repossession or home foreclosure may be looming, and you do not want to risk losing your property. If any of this sounds familiar to you, you may be a good candidate for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, and you should not wait to call an experienced chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer in Rolling Meadows and Libertyville for more information.
You may think that bankruptcy is only for people who are simply irresponsible or bad at managing their money. However, many people file for bankruptcy due to circumstances beyond their control. An injury or illness can result in overwhelming medical bills, the loss of a job can lead to excessive credit card balances, and other unforeseen circumstances or errors can cause an array of financial and debt-related issues.
Anyone in this situation should explore their debt relief options, and Chapter 7 may be right for you if any of the following apply:
- Much of your debt is unsecured
- You do not have the funds to make monthly payments for years before a debt discharge
- Your household income is lower than the median of your state (which your attorney can help you determine)
Contact a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Lawyer in Libertyville and Rolling Meadows Today
The law firm of Charles T. Newland can examine your financial situation and advise you whether Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the right solution for you. We handle every step of the bankruptcy process to ensure you can start over in the best possible position. We represent clients in Arlington Heights, the Northwest Suburbs, Cook County and Lake County, so please call 847.797.9300 or contact us online to schedule your consultation today.