Will contests are among the most contentious types of litigation possible. The combination of money and strained family relationships can turn people against each other in a hurry. Planning can help you avoid some of these disputes when the time comes.
There are two things that can reduce the chances of a will contest. The first is sitting down as a family to discuss your estate plan. One of the main reasons why wills can turn nasty is that someone is surprised by the terms of the will when they finally hear them. Communicating about these things ahead of time can reduce the surprise.
Estate Planning Lawyers Can Help
The most important way to help avoid a fight over the will is to have a lawyer help with estate planning. When you have legal help, you are on more solid ground if the will is challenged. The attorney can help you avoid some of the common mistakes that families can make that make litigation more likely. While it is up to you how you divide your estate, the lawyer can handle the details in a way that makes it much less likely that someone can successfully challenge the terms of the will.
If you have done no planning, there is a far greater chance that the probate process will be far more difficult. The will could be vulnerable to legal challenges, such as the testator was unduly influenced by someone else or did not have the legal capacity to sign a will.
Call a Rolling Meadows Estate Planning Lawyer
The best time to have a discussion about an estate is as far in advance as possible. The law firm of Chuck Newland & Associates is here to help when you are ready to have that discussion. Call us today at (847) 797-9300 or contact us online to set up a time to talk.